🤔 Smart meters in rental property, is it a smart idea?

Smart meters are no longer a new concept. Many years ago the Government issued a deadline for all homes to have one. That deadline currently stands at 2024 and so utility companies have been asked to take ‘all reasonable steps’ to install smart meters in ever home. Some still ask why they should do so, or allow a tenant to install a meter.

First, let’s just put it out there that landlords can’t really object to this. Unless the tenancy agreement specifically states the tenant cannot install a smart meter, the power is with them as the law states it’s the person who pays the bills who has a right to decide which meter they have.

As we mentioned way back when we looked at making a property sustainable, we referenced installing a smart meter to keep track of the energy being used.

📉 Accurate energy bills

💷 Access to cheaper tariffs

🔀 Easier to switch suppliers

🌿 Help to reduce energy use

📲 Remotely top up and easier to manage

These are all great, but will landlords see it as a benefit to them? We don’t think so, but should consider what may make the property more desirable to a tenant. It will, however, save disputes over the readings on move in or out days, and can be looked at retrospectively. Also consider if a landlord would prefer to have control over a change of this nature.

One other item to watch out for is the smart meter’s generation. Earlier generations are programmed to only connect to their original provider. This has now changed, however some companies still have older generations in stock so be careful which ones are used. Here’s a handy checker if you’re unsure!

In conclusion, we think it’s best to get a smart meter fitted sooner rather than later, but get the right generation to avoid the need to replace again in the future!